Emmanuel Presbyterian Church

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Worthy is the Lamb

"Worthy is the Lamb" (Rev 5:1-14) - P. Seung Kim, Dec. 20, 2020

Outline of Revelation (This outline is taken from Triumph of the Lamb by Dennis Johnson.)
• Revelation 1:1-8 – Prologue
• Revelation 1:9-22:9 – Body
o Revelation 1:9-3:20 – ‘The things which are’: Christ is with his churches and knows their conflict
o Revelation 4:1-22:9 – ‘The things which shall take place after these things’: Christ will defeat and destroy his enemies
 Revelation 4:1-11:18 – Scroll opened: current and coming woes, precursors of the end
 Revelation 10:1-22:9 – Scroll delivered: the cosmic conflict of the ages
• Revelation 22:6-21 – Epilogue

• The main point is that because Jesus has _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ his and our enemies through his
_ _ _ _ _ and resurrection, he is _ _ _ _ _ _ to reign over all things and receive our worship.

1) Reign over all things
• John sees a _ _ _ _ _ _ (v.1). Only someone who is _ _ _ _ _ _ can open it and carry it out.
• Who is worthy to open the scroll? The _ _ _ _ who is also the _ _ _ _ (v.5-7). We know who this figure is by what it does.
• As our King, Jesus comforts and strengthens us with his _ _ _ _ _ and _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

2) Receive our worship
• Jesus is worthy to open the scroll because of his _ _ _ _ _ and resurrection (v.9-10).
• All creation join in worship of God and Jesus (v.12-14).
• The good news is that God sent Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world, to make sinners like us as his kingdom and priests, holy and righteous, lead the rest of the creation in worship of God.

What you _ _ _ is not always what you get. The Book of Revelation shows us a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (spiritual) reality. Then, see Jesus as he is. See ourselves as we are. See our enemies as they are