1. 대상: 유년부(1학년〜2학년) 전임 혹은 파트교역자
2. 자격:
정규 신학대학원 졸업자 혹은 졸업예정자 이신 분
합법적 신분으로 일하실 수 있는 분
교회의 목회철학에 헌신하여 동역하실 분
영어에 능하고 한국어 및 한국문화에 익숙하신 분
3. 사역내용
유년부 어린이들의 신앙 계발
유년부 주일예배 인도 및 설교(2부, 3부)
교사훈련 및 학부모 상담,교육
전임 사역인 경우 교회의 다른 사역을 함께 감당하게 됩니다.
4. 제출서류
자기소개서 (목회 소명 간증 포함)
설교 영상 2편
추천자 연락처 (2명 이상)
임마누엘장로교회 사무실
Emmanuel Presbyterian Church in San Jose
4435 Fortran Dr, San Jose, CA 95134이메일: office@epcsj.org
전화 : 408-263-5100
문의: 박기한 목사(415-450-5824)
6. 제출기한: 12월4일까지
* 제출하신 서류는 비밀이 보장되며 반환되지 않습니다.
Pastor of Lower Elementary Ministry
Emmanuel Presbyterian Church ("EPC") is seeking a Lower Elementary Ministry Pastor (Full-time or Part-time Position) who can join our church. EPC is located in the heart of Silicon Valley and belongs to the Korean American Presbyterian Church (KAPC).
Position Summary
Reports to Senior Pastor and Session
Serves as a pastoral team member, along with the Education Department elder,pastors, ministry deacons, teachers, and parents
Oversees and leads the Lower Elementary Ministry (1st - 2nd grade) and serves as the Sparks Leaders for the AWANA ministry
Full-time or Part-time position
Full-time position requires additional ministries and administration work for the church.
Job Description
Lower Elementary Ministry
Organize, lead, and preach for the Lower Elementary Ministry worship services (Sunday, 10:00 AM and 12:00 PM).
Create, develop, and implement ministry curriculum that will serve children to grow as Christians
Coordinate the Lower Elementary Ministry events throughout the year
Recruit and train ministry volunteers
Partner with parents by providing guidance, support, and care for them to raise their children in the Lord
Take turns with the Awana director to lead and preach on Wednesday evenings
Help to recruit, lead, and train teachers to care for the AWANA clubbers
Coordinate with the Awana director to plan and execute events for AWANA.
Attend church events and weekly pastoral meetings
Has graduated from an accredited seminary or is scheduled to graduate in December 2022
Is legally able to work in the US
Has a personal calling to nurture children and support their families in the context of church
Has a Godly character and values to be a member of our pastoral staff
Commits to the EPC's beliefs, vision, and ministry philosophy
We prefer someone who speaks English fluently and is competently aware of the Korean language and culture.
Curriculum Vitae
Testimony (Family, background, ministry experiences)
Statement of faith
2 video sermon samples (online link preferred)
References (contact info only)