The Surpassing Worth of Knowing Christ

"The Surpassing Worth of Knowing Christ" (Phil 3:1-11) - P. Seung Kim, Nov. 29, 2020

Outline of Philippians
• Philippians 1:1-11 – Greetings, thanksgiving, and prayer
• Philippians 1:12-26 – The priority of the Gospel
• Philippians 1:27-2:30 – Conduct worthy of the Gospel
• Philippians 3:1-4:1 – Fight for the Gospel
• Philippians 4:2-23 – Final exhortations in light of the Gospel

• The main point is that because of the surpassing _ _ _ _ _ of knowing Christ, we do not _ _ _ _ _ in ourselves, but seek to _ _ _ _ him more.

1) Do not _ _ _ _ _ in yourself
• Paul had many reasons to _ _ _ _ _ in himself (v.4-6 – His background and efforts).
• He considers his best to be _ _ _ _ for the sake of Christ (v.7).
• Our best effort shows how far we fall short before God. Instead, glory in Christ (v.3).

2) Seek to _ _ _ _ Jesus more
• After many years and all that Paul went through after meeting Jesus, he confesses that he counts “everything as _ _ _ _ because of the surpassing _ _ _ _ _ of knowing Christ” (v.8).
• Knowing this value of Christ, Paul wants to know Jesus _ _ _ _ (v.11).
• The more we understand the _ _ _ _ _ of knowing Jesus, the more we will be moved to _ _ _ _ him, _ _ like him, and _ _ _ _ him in heaven.

The value of knowing Jesus surpasses everything in this world. So, we do not _ _ _ _ _ in ourselves, but seek to _ _ _ _ him more. Through it all, we know that Jesus will still be worth it. Make him your treasure, your joy, you all, and your purpose.