Emmanuel Presbyterian Church

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Love That Will Not Let Us Go

"Love That Will Not Let Us Go" (Hos 2:2-23) - P. Seung Kim, Aug 30, 2020

Hosea 2:2-23 “Love That Will Not Let Us Go”

Outline of Hosea (mainly to the Northern Kingdom of Israel)
• Hosea 1-3 – Hosea’s marriage to Gomer reflecting God’s covenant with Israel
• Hosea 4-14 – Prophecy against and for Israel

- God uses Hosea’s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to Gomer to show, first, his relationship with _ _ _ _ _ _, and then, with us.
- The main point is that because of God’s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ and _ _ _ _ _ _ _ love in Jesus, we are secured as his people despite our _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

1) The _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ of unfaithfulness
• Gomer commits adultery, as well as idolatry. Gomer’s adultery reflects Israel’s idolatry.
• The consequence of unfaithfulness is not divorce, but _ _ _ _ _ (Leviticus 20:10). As for Israelites, the consequence is covenant curse (Hosea 1:4-9 – the names of the children).
• We are like Gomer. God holds us accountable for our unfaithful hearts.
• Yet, God’s desire is to _ _ _ us back.

2) The _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ of the faithful One
• God expresses his commitment by making many _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
o V.14-15 – Bring back good memory (_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) and replace bad memory (the Valley of _ _ _ _ _, which means _ _ _ _ _ _ _)
o V.16-17 – Protect and provide as “My Husband”
o V.18-20 – Betroth forever (like renewing their wedding vows)
o V.23 – A reversal of curse symbolized by new names for children.
• God wants to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ with the Israelites.
• These promises are fulfilled in Christ (Romans 5:6-8).

This story is meant to show us our _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ heart toward God. It also shows God’s steadfast love in Jesus that will not let us go.