Prepared for Suffering

"Prepared for Suffering" (Jer 45:1-5) - P. Seung Kim, Aug 9, 2020


The main point is that God _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ us in Christ so that we can be prepared to be _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ even in the midst of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

1) The context

• Jeremiah 45 was written “in the fourth year of Jehoiakim the son of Josiah” (BC 605-604).

• Baruch was Jeremiah’s scribe, as well as his friend and fellow servant of God (Jeremiah 32:12; 36).

• Chronologically, Jeremiah 45 doesn’t follow Jeremiah 44. The context shows us that Jeremiah 45 gives comfort for God’s people in the midst of judgment and suffering.

2) The complaint

• Baruch complained about how the Israelites remained unrepentant against God and they turned against him and Jeremiah. Baruch was weary and distraught.

• Baruch and his complaint help us to diagnose our own hearts. Baruch didn’t expect to suffer, so when suffering came he blamed God (v.3).

3) The comfort

• God’s plan is to judge all people (v.4-5). That is why Baruch is not to seek great things for himself.

• God’s comfort is that Baruch will be spared of his life.

• This is the same comfort for Christians, who are in the midst of spiritual war. We will be spared from the final judgment through Jesus, who suffered on our behalf.

• We are now called to suffer for his sake (Example: Paul).
