Putting Heart into Obedience

“Putting Heart into Obedience" (Amos 5:18-27) - P. Seung Kim, Sept. 6, 2020

Outline of Amos
• Amos 1-2:6 – Introduction and prophecy of judgement against various nations
• Amos 2:7-6 – Prophecy of judgment against Judah and Israel
• Amos 7-9 – Prophetic visions of judgment and salvation

• The main point is that by _ _ _ _ _ in Jesus, we can please God with our _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _,
in our _ _ _ _ _ _ _ and _ _ _ _.

1) What does the passage _ _ _?
• Amos 5:1-17 – God calls Israel to repent and return to God.
• Amos 5:18-20 – God tells them they are not safe from the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ on the day of the LORD.
• Amos 5:21-27 – Israel’s obedience had no hearts in them.
o V.21-23, 25-27 – God rejects their _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (God uses strong language). This kind of worship is not just empty, but offensive to God.
o V.24 – Their empty worship is shown in their _ _ _ _. By not loving their
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, they showed that they have no love for God.
• God sees their _ _ _ _ _ _. The consequence is that Israel will be exiled (v.27).

2) How does the passage _ _ _ _ _ to us?
• The Israelites and the Pharisees serve as _ _ _ _ _ _ _ for us in our worship and life.
• As we are not able to gather at church building to worship together, it is a good time to consider:
o Our worship – Have we become indifferent in our worship? Have we at times only go through the motions, while our hearts are far from God?
o Our life – Do we live lives that reflect our worship on Sunday? Have we confessed love for God, while neglecting to love our neighbors?
• The good news for us is that our hope lies in, not in our hearts or obedience, but in Jesus Christ and his _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

Because of Jesus, we can look forward to the day of the LORD, not as darkness, but light. Look to him and listen to his Word, as you seek to obey out your heart.